The Marvel Animated series from the 90s introduced us to some of the most iconic character designs of all time, and now following the release of the popular Egg Attack Action Wolverine and Cyclops comes arguably their most infamous foe: Magneto!
Features - The helmet has high grading paint-work using metallic - Magnet effects accessories includes a magnet, which can absorb small metal objects - Includes a fabric cloak with adjustable built-in wiring, for the ultimate in possibility.
Accessories - Erik Lehnsherr face mode: one replacement expression faces (standard expression) - Magneto Helmet (helmet mode): one replacement expressions (general expression) - Three pairs of replacement palms, including the following - A pair of replacement clenched hands - A pair of replacement hands - A pair of replacement gripping hands ? A pair of special effect accessories "Magnetic Shock Wave" disc (with built-in magnet) ? A action figure platform with the "Marvel Comics: X-Men LOGO print and the character name